'He loves me': Marjorie Taylor Greene defends Trump relationship amid disagreement

Marjorie Taylor Greene on Facebook.

While she sharpens the knives to possibly demote Speaker Mike Johnson from his post, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) gushed over her bond with former President Donald Trump.

Boosting his MAGA profile on Friday by paying homage to the 45th president at Mar-a-Lago, Speaker Mike Johnson is navigating a tightrope soaked in kerosene with the Georgia congresswomen shaking matches like maracas.

CNN's Manu Raju reported on his chat with Greene and how she isn't going to back down. She also boasted gaining more like-minded supporters.

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"Asked if Trump’s appearance with Mike Johnson tomorrow will influence her push for the speaker’s ouster, MTG told me: 'I think the motion to vacate is also being supported by quite a few members in our conference. That’s an internal House issue with our elected Speaker of the House. Totally two separate issues.'"

Then she was asked a hypothetical about if Trump were to ask her to stand down her threat to cut Johnson's Speaker wings, would she back off?

“Let me tell you, I support President Trump," she told Raju. "I’m one of his biggest fighters here in Congress. He knows it."

She then added, "I love the president, he loves me. We’re fighting hard for him to win and that’s all that matters."

Johnson and Trump are set to huddle at his private club in Palm Beach to debut legislation to bar undocumented immigrants from voting in elections.

So far, only California, Illinois, and Maryland permit some form of noncitizen voting in elections.

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