'Utter nonsense': GOP slammed for scheduling votes on fridges and dryers — but not Ukraine

U.S. Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) (L) celebrates becoming speaker of the House at the U.S. Capitol on October 25, 2023 in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) continues to adamantly refuse to take up any legislation renewing defense funding for Ukraine as the Russian military runs roughshod over its people. Instead, he's going to hold a vote next week to stop refrigerators from using less electricity.

According to congressional reporter Jamie Dupree, House Republicans have scheduled votes on a series of protest bills to roll back newly-proposed energy standards for various home appliances, including: the Hands Off Our Home Appliances Act, the Liberty in Laundry Act, the Clothes Dryers Reliability Act, the Refrigerator Freedom Act, the Affordable Air Conditioning Act, and the Stop Unaffordable Dishwasher Standards (SUDS) Act.

Commenters on social media weren't quite sure if this was a joke — but a lot of them weren't laughing.

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"This is the utter nonsense House Republicans are wasting time on instead of passing Ukraine aid," wrote the user Matt Winfough.

"Instead of passing desperately needed aid to Ukraine, next week #MoscowMikeJohnson and the House GOP are (*checks notes*) reducing the power of the government to promote energy-efficient appliances," wrote author Dean Gloster. "Good job, Putin pawns."

"Imagine being a Ukrainian who took American pledges of military support — going back to the 1990s! — remotely seriously, and reading this," wrote conservative commentator Jonah Goldberg.

"OLD: Reproductive rights; NEW: Refrigerator rights," wrote progressive podcaster Aaron Rupar.

"Did...did a refrigerator write this?" wrote author and Philadelphia-based editorial columnist Will Bunch.

"This is real," wrote YouTuber and Air Force veteran Jake Broe. "This is what Speaker Johnson plans to spend all next week on in the House. No vote on military aid for Ukraine will be debated or allowed. Johnson after next week then plans to give everyone in the House another two week paid vacation to waste more time."

"I'd call this republicant congress a clown show, but that would be disrespectful to clowns," wrote the user @CAVandy Thursday.

"I remember during peak Tea Party years there was a whole right wing media fracas about new light bulb regulations. Government overreach, etc.," wrote the account @Bregosaurus. "But the regulations went into effect and…when’s the last time you had to change a lightbulb? They last like ten years now."

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