I had settled on an idea for a cartoon on another subject when the news of O.J. Simpson’s death was announced. Of course, I dropped what I was doing and went to work on an O.J. cartoon.

I had already drawn most of the cartoon when I got a better idea, but I only had to delete a portion of the artwork. It was fun.

My pal Jack Ohman, a brilliant Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist in Sacramento, texted me, “Let the OJ cartoons begin.” There will be a lot of them throughout the day. I’m sure most of my colleagues also dropped what they were doing for O.J.

One person has already commented on one of my social media posts that O.J. “didn’t do it.”

Yes, he did. O.J. Simpson murdered his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ronald Goldman. Back then, I wanted O.J. to be innocent. I was a fan. I loved him as a player, as a pitchman, as a football analyst, and as an actor. I especially loved him as Nordberg in The Naked Gun movies. O.J. broke my heart. He broke a lot of hearts.

It was the trial of the century. Because it got so much coverage, from the Bronco chase to the trial to the verdict, and because of all the cartoons I drew on the guy, I had to draw an obit cartoon on him.

And if there is a Hell, that’s where O.J. is.

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