‘Worried sick’ parents concerned for Aimee Walker from Canterbury as police search underway

“worried sick” parents of a missing 13-year-old girl are pleading for help amid a huge police operation to trace her.

Officers are concerned for the welfare of Aimee Walker, from Sturry near Canterbury, last seen in Herne Bay’s Memorial Park area at about 9pm yesterday.

Aimee Walker has been reported missing from Sturry near Canterbury and was last seen in Herne Bay. Picture: Kent Police

Police issued an update this morning saying they believe she may have travelled to the Isle of Sheppey and are searching the area.

Aimee’s mum Donna Archer posted on social media early this morning: “If anyone knows of her or has children in the Spires School, please message me. I’m her mother.

“Anything I receive will be reported to the police. I am desperate.”

The teenager’s stepdad also posted a plea for help on social media.

“She’s 13 years old, has been missing for hours and hours, and is classed as high-risk,” he said.

“We have a huge police presence with up to 15 patrol cars from Canterbury to Herne Bay and Faversham to Sheppey. The dogs have been brought in now too.

“Her phone has been tracked to Leysdown.

“We are worried sick.”

Aimee is 4ft 11, of slim build and has dark brown shoulder-length hair.

She was last seen wearing dark-coloured leggings, a light blue cropped Canada Zavetti coat, Nike trainers and a black and white top.

Inspector Chris Stewart said: “We have been completing inquiries to find Aimee and believe she may have travelled to the Leysdown-on-Sea or Eastchurch areas on the Isle of Sheppey.

“We are very concerned for her welfare and are asking residents in those areas to look out for her.”

Anyone who has seen her or knows where she might be to call 999, quoting reference 11-1484.