Inquiry commissions not aimed to witch-hunt opposition - Governor Yusuf

Governor Abba Yusuf of Kano State. [Twitter:@Kyusufabba] ©(c) provided by Pulse Nigeria

The panels was set up to ensure transparency and accountability in government.

Gov. Abba Yusuf of Kano State said on Friday the two commissions of inquiry set up by his administration were not meant to witch-hunt opposition in the state.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Yusuf spoke while receiving the Emir of Kano, Alhaji Aminu Ado Bayero, who paid the traditional homage at Government House as part of the “Hawan Nassarawa” activities.

Yusuf said the panels were set up to ensure transparency and accountability in government and to tackle the menace of political violence in the state. He vowed to investigate and fish out perpetrators of political violence, threatening that the government would not spare anybody, irrespective of their political parties.

According to him, the exercise is to end the political violence that led to the loss of lives and destruction of property to place the state on the path of economic and political development.

Yusuf promised to work hand in hand with the emirate while noting their contribution and cooperation with the government. Yusuf said since their assumption in office barely 10 months ago, his administration had embarked on a massive campaign against political thuggery.

The governor said more than 200 political thugs, and phone snatchers who had been apprehended by the Kano Command of the Nigeria Police had repented and were now useful to the society.

"No society will develop without the contribution of the youths; that’s why our administration places much priority on the development of the youth.

“We’ve initiated different empowerment schemes for youths and women, geared towards making them self reliant."

Yusuf said that among the priorities of his stewardship was enhancing healthcare service delivery, education and infrastructure. He said since his assumption, health facilities within the metropolitan and other local government areas had been upgraded and provided with modern equipment for effective service delivery.

"The construction of the two gigantic modern flyovers in the metropolitan area was ongoing, and our vision is to make Kano one of the best commercial cities across the globe."

He added that his administration had constituted a committee that would investigate the wrongdoings and misappropriation made by the past administration to recover looted property and public funds.

Earlier the Emir of Kano, Bayero, said they were at Government House to pay Homage as the tradition of the Emirate for decades. He lauded the commitment of Gov. Yusuf to providing laudable developmental projects that would uplift the well-being of the general populace.

Emir Bayero urged parents to expedite action in monitoring the whereabouts of their children, to curtail the menace of social vices and political thuggery.