German agency warns country of heightened risk of sunburn

The sun is expected to break through the clouds in frequently overcast Germany this weekend, prompting the country's Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) to warn of an increased risk of sunburn.

The agency urged Germans to protect themselves from the sun and wear sunscreen, skin-covering clothing, hats and spending as much time in the shade as possible, especially at midday.

An ultraviolet (UV) radiation index value of up to 6 is expected on Saturday - unusually high for April in Germany - with even higher values possible in the mountains, the agency said.

The UV index indicates the maximum daily value of sunburn-inducing UV radiation to be expected, with higher numbers indicating a greater risk of sunburn on unprotected skin.

The German agency advises that people deploy sun protection whenever the value is above 3 on the open-ended scale.

In Germany, values of 8 to 9 are reached in summer, and up to 11 in the high mountain altitudes in the Alps of southern Germany, according to the agency. At the equator, values of 12 and higher can occur.

The intensity of UV radiation depends on factors such as the position of the sun, cloud cover and altitude, as well as the ozone in the atmosphere.

A low-ozone event is currently occurring over southern Germany, the agency warned, creating increased risk from the sun.

"Such constellations occur repeatedly throughout the year. This weekend, the effect is expected to be particularly noticeable."