'A frightened, clucking chicken': Columnist roasts Trump's terror of going to trial

Donald Trump

With Donald Trump slated to appear in a Manhattan courtroom on Monday where he faces 34 counts of first-degree falsifying business records that could lead to four years in jail, a popular USA Today columnist taunted the former president over his series of attempts to avoid going to court.

According to columnist Rex Huppke, despite his "alpha male" posturing, the former president is nothing more than a "chicken" with all of his "griping and whining and woe-is-me-ing."

As Huppke pointed out, for all his bluster at being railroaded one would think the former president would relish entering into a court of law to set the record straight instead of attempting every delay tactic in the book.

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"You’d think an abundantly confident macho man like Trump would be chomping at the bit to get into a courtroom with his lawyers and prove the 'Thugs and Radical Left Monsters' wrong, to pull back the curtain on this unjust persecution/prosecution, to shove the evidence of his angelic innocence right in their smug faces," he wrote. "At this rate I expect he’ll show up to court Monday in a WHAAAAAAAAmbulance then get carried in on a stretcher, moaning about how the deep state gave him typhoid fever."

Pointing out that the former president is not giving off the vibe of a "bold, confident man who knows he’s innocent and will fight to prove the naysayers wrong," he added, "That’s probably because Trump is not a bold, confident man who knows he’s innocent, and he doesn’t know how to 'fight.' He just slings mud and runs away hollering: 'I have never slung any mud! That is FAKE NEWS!'"

"He is terrified of that moment. The narcissism at his core has never met accountability. If he had a lick of confidence, he wouldn’t be paying attorneys – probably with GOP donor money, not his own – to pull every whack-a-doodle legal trick they can muster to delay, delay, delay," he charged before stating, "He wouldn’t be spending hours online and at rallies griping and whining and woe-is-me-ing. He’d be ready, self-assured and eager to clear his name. He’d be tough. He’s not. Trump is a chicken. A frightened, clucking chicken who, as of Monday, will have no room left to run."

You can read more here.

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