Aaron Rodgers Voices Concerns About RFK Jr.'s Safety

Aaron Rodgers voiced concerns about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s safety this week.MEGA

Aaron Rodgers voiced concerns about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s safety this week, RadarOnline.com has learned. The NFL star also compared the third-party presidential candidate to Luke Skywalker and other popular fiction characters.

Rodgers sounded the alarm on Kennedy’s safety earlier this week during an appearance on Morgan Hoffmann and Jeg Coughlin’s I Can Flypodcast.

The NFL star also compared the third-party presidential candidate to Luke Skywalker and other popular fiction characters.MEGA

While the star NFL quarterback reaffirmed his endorsement for Kennedy’s 2024 independent campaign, he also warned that Kennedy’s life was “in danger.” Rodgers cited the deaths of Kennedy’s uncle, former President John F. Kennedy, and father, Robert F. Kennedy.

“They killed his uncle, killed his dad,” Rodgers charged during the podcast this week. “We know the CIA was involved. I mean, they can’t declassify it because it’s so damning. We know the FBI was involved.”

“[J. Edgar Hoover] hated the Kennedys. Hated them,” the New York Jet continued. “Allen Dulles was fired as the director of the CIA after he botched the Bay of Pigs and tried to get Operation Northwoods to happen, to literally start World War III and invade Cuba. He was fired.”

“He was on the f------ Warren Commission, Allen Dulles was, as was Gerald Ford, who was the right-hand man of J. Edgar Hoover – who hated the Kennedys,” Rodgers said. “We know they’re involved.”

“They killed his uncle, killed his dad,” Aaron Rodgers charged. “We know the CIA was involved."MEGA

The controversial NFL star then claimed that it was a “weird coincidence” that so many of Kennedy’s loved ones passed away under tragic and mysterious circumstances – including Kennedy’s cousin, John F. Kennedy Jr.

“So Bobby loses his uncle, JFK, his father, RFK,” Rodgers went on. “His cousin dies in a plane crash when he was running against Hillary Clinton. I’m not saying that’s a conspiracy, but it’s kind of a weird coincidence.”

“Bobby’s in danger. He’s putting himself on the line,” Rodgers continued. “Why? Because he f------ believes in this country.”

Meanwhile, Rodgers went on to celebrate Kennedy’s best qualities before comparing the third-party presidential candidate to some of pop culture’s most beloved characters from Stars Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Guardians of the Galaxy.

Rodgers was rumored to be a potential pick to run alongside Kennedy.MEGA

“That is, like I said earlier, the archetype of everything we love about Luke Skywalker and Han Solo,” Rodgers told Hoffmann and Coughlin during their podcast this week. “Everything we love about Frodo and Sam and Eragon, and Gandalf, and Merry and Pip.”

“Everything that we love about Gamora and Groot and Rocket and Drax,” Rodgers concluded. “These people believe in something.”

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As RadarOnline.com previously reported, Rodgers’ startling remarks about Kennedy’s safety this week came days after the NFL quarterback was rumored to be a potential pick to run alongside Kennedy on this year’s third-party independent presidential candidate ticket.

Although Kennedy ultimate chose Nicole Shanahan as his vice president running mate pick, Rodgers has continued to endorse Kennedy.

"Aaron Rodgers is battle tested," Kennedy said last month. "He's been hammered by the press, he's stood up for things he believes in, and I like that part of his character."MEGA

"Aaron Rodgers is battle tested. He's been hammered by the press, he's stood up for things he believes in, and I like that part of his character,” Kennedy said before choosing Shanahan to share his White House run ticket. “He is a critical thinker and I think we need that at the time.”

"He is somebody who I think will help me get the country healthy again. He's 40 years old, he's focused on his own health,” Kennedy continued. “He is very aware of health issues and, you know, that's one of the key parts of my agenda is to get the country healthier."