Channing Tatum Accuses Ex Jenna Dewan of Dragging Out Divorce With ‘Baseless Claims,’ Seeking ‘Windfall’ From Him


Channing Tatum fired back at his ex-wife Jenna Dewan after she accused him of misusing community assets in their never-ending divorce.

As we first reported, the exes have been fighting in court since 2018. The sticking point is the division of profits from the Magic Mike empire.


Magic Mike was developed and co-financed by Tatum during the marriage with “community effort and marital funds.” Dewan believes she’s owed a 50% cut of Tatum’s Magic Mike income.

She said he has kept her in the dark about business transactions or potential deals for Magic Mike.


Recently, she accused him of creating a web of LLCs and companies with his partners to “conceal the value of, and licensing income therefrom, the community property share of Magic Mike intellectual property and derivative assets.”

Dewan claimed Tatum transferred Magic Mike profits into an irrevocable trust without her knowledge to shelter Magic Mike intellectual property income from her. She said he used the profits to invest in various Magic Mike profits for which he now receives income that he claims is his separate property post-separation income.

The actress said Tatum collected one hundred percent of the post-separation profits from the Magic Mike intellectual property and the Magic Mike projects while she was “systematically excluded from business activities associated with her fifty percent stake in this” property.

Dewan said Tatum had breached his fiduciary duty to the community in terms of marital and post-separation business opportunities and transactions pertaining to Magic Mike.

She said that he be ordered to make a “fee contribution” to her legal fees for his actions. In addition, she asked that she be given 6 months to depose Tatum and his business partners before a trial date is scheduled.


In his response, Tatum demanded the trial date be set and Dewan not be granted additional time. He said he made numerous settlement proposals to Dewan but she rejected them all.

Regarding her demand for a fee for legal fees, the actor said his ex-brought “baseless claims” and called her request a “last ditch effort” to further delay the case and “seek a windfall from” him, “ignoring the post separation efforts” on his part.

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His lawyer added, [Dewan’s] allegations are unfounded based on the documentary evidence and are grossly irresponsible. [Tatum] has never denied [Dewan] of her share of the community assets or income. [Dewan] has been involved in all aspects of community investments, opportunities, and transactions. All transactions were made at arm’s length; [Dewan] was represented by counsel, signed gift tax returns, and actively participated in transactions for the benefit of the community and the parties’ daughter. The evidence will show [Tatum] has never taken actions to detriment the community or [Dewan].”

A hearing is scheduled for this week on the matter.