GOP lawmaker complaining about student debt relief gets a brutal reminder from White House

Reps. Kevin Hern

A Republican lawmaker complained about student loan forgiveness, only to have the White House remind him about his own forgiven debts.

Oklahoma Rep. Kevin Hern (R) took to social media on Friday to complain about President Joe Biden's latest initiative. Specifically, Biden is reported to have cancelled about $7.4 billion more in student loan debt for 277,000 borrowers.

"Biden's debt transfer scheme puts the burden on taxpayers, forcing the 87% without loans to foot the bill for the 13% who do," Hern said on social media. "Saddling the hardworking taxpayers of America with such a debt transfer will only make life more unaffordable."

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Hern added, "He’s buying votes during an election year."

But the Biden White House didn't take that lying down. Instead, it reposted Hern's message with a simple caption:

"Congressman Kevin Hern had $1,082,302 in PPP loans forgiven," the account wrote. Paycheck Protection Program loans were created to help businesses continue to operate during the pandemic.

Hern then struck back at the White House.

"Very proud to have kept employees paid during the pandemic when businesses were forced to shut down at no fault of their own," the representative wrote in response. "Millions of small businesses across the country did the same. If the White House wants to attack that, I’ll win that fight any day of the week."

The comments on that post were not so forgiving themselves.

@A_tothe_Z_Amber wrote, "Then pay it back."

Another user, @BlueEyedSteve, said, "Your response ignores the fact that it was a L-O-A-N that you voted to make sure you didn't have to pay back."

"Then you go on to criticize others for having their loans forgiven," they added. "It's called hypocrisy, Kevin, and you are clearly incapable of being honest with yourself about that."

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