Border guards destroyed 2 enemy armored personnel carriers in Donetsk region

Border guards destroyed two enemy APCs (photo: Getty Images)

Ukrainian border guards in Donetsk region have eliminated two Russian armored personnel carriers, according to the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

"Two BTR-82A armored personnel carriers were destroyed by the striking UAVs of the border guards of the Guard Brigade during the Pomsta offensive in Donetsk region," the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine reported.

Border guards reported that the first armored personnel carrier was blown up at night by a mine that had been remotely installed by a border guard drone. The immobilized vehicle was finished off in the morning.

The second piece of equipment was destroyed by bomber Vampire bombardment.

Frontline situation

In Ukraine, there have been 78 combat clashes on the front line over the past day. The aggressor's forces are trying to break through in the Bakhmut and Novopavlivka directions.

According to the Institute for the Study of War, positional battles are ongoing on several fronts in eastern and southern Ukraine, where the Defense Forces continue to repel enemy assaults and contain Russian occupiers.