Insiders fear 'Trump fatigue' may cripple campaign as Manhattan  trial poised to begin

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With Donald Trump's Manhattan trial related to paying off adult film star Stormy Daniels set to commence on Monday, close aides to the former president are both happy that he will be able to use the media attention to rally his supporters but also stressed that daily doses of the former president complaining about the proceedings will further alienate independent voters he desperately needs.

According to a report from CNN, the former president must be in attendance in the courtroom which will limit him to campaigning on Wednesdays and weekends as he makes his third run for the Oval Office.

As the report notes, the former president will be staying at his Trump Tower during the duration of the trial, making it hard to hit the road for an extended period of time, which will limit him to close-by day trips along with speeches before and after court appearances.

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That has some Trump world insiders anxious.

“The court appearances] certainly helped galvanize a big part of the debate. His appearance in court helps with messaging, it helps with fundraising and helps with getting people out to vote and volunteer for us,” one Trump adviser explained with others worrying about "uncharted territory" quite different from the time during the primaries.

When it comes to persuadable independent voters, a senior adviser fretted, "There’s always a concern about Trump fatigue."

Add to that, there are growing worries about the composition of the jury in Manhattan where the former president is far from popular.

"One source close to Trump argued that there is worry that some prospective jurors may have ulterior motives for wanting to be involved in the former president’s trial," explaining, "Some may want a book deal or the clout that comes with being associated with this," CNN is reporting.

You can read more here.

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