Zelensky: Ukraine working to secure additional IRIS-T air defense system, anti-air missiles from Germany

Illustrative purposes only: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and President Volodymyr Zelensky during their bilateral meeting in Granada, Spain, on Oct. 5, 2023. Photo for illustrative purposes (Ukraine's Presidential Office)

Ukraine is in negotiations with Germany to secure an additional IRIS-T air defense system, as well as missiles for existing air defence systems, President Volodymyr Zelensky said during his evening address on April 13.

Zelensky's commentscome as Berlin announced earlier in the day that it will provide Ukraine with one more Patriot air defense system to fend off increased Russian attacks.

As Moscow intensified its attacks on Ukraine during the spring, the shortage of air defense systems in Ukrainian cities and villages is being felt more acutely.

Russia's recent strikes against Ukraine's energy infrastructure destroyed several thermal power plants across the country, including the Trypillia plant, the main electricity supplier to Kyiv, Zhytomyr, and Cherkasy oblasts.

Kyiv has ramped up its calls on allies to provide Ukraine with more air defenses__[\.__](https://kyivindependent.com/kuleba-calls-on-allies-to-provide-ukraine-with-patriot-air-defense-systems/)Zelensky said on April 6 that Ukraine needed [__25 Patriot air defence systems__](https://kyivindependent.com/zelensky-ukraine-needs-25-patriot-air-defense-systems-to-be-completely-covered/) to cover the country's skies from Russian attacks\.

Germany has previously provided IRIS-T air defense systems to Ukraine, including three IRIS-T SLM systems, with range of up to 40 kilometers, and one IRIS-T SLS, with range of up to 12 kilometers.

According to Germany's summary of transfers, the country has also delivered two Patriot systems, 52 Gepard self-propelled anti-aircraft guns for Ukraine's air defense, Reuters reported.

Initially criticized for its sluggish delivery of military aid to Ukraine following the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Germany has become the second-largest provider of military equipment after the U.S.

"Germany's leadership is truly felt, and thanks to this leadership, we will be able to save thousands of lives and give Ukraine more protection from Russian terror," Zelensky added.

Read also: Germany to send additional Patriot air defense system, missiles to Ukraine