Iran's President Raisi vows severe retaliation against Israel after missile strikes

By bne Tehran bureau

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi issued a stern warning to Israel on April 14, stating that Iran's armed forces will deliver a 'heavier and more regretful response' to any new 'adventurism' against Iran's interests, state news agency IRNA reported.

The Iranian president’s message comes after Iran’s first-ever country-to-country attack on the Jewish state, where 300 rockets and drones were launched from Iran, hitting sites across Israel.

In a statement, Raisi said Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) conducted missile and drone strikes overnight against 'military and Zionist occupying regime's facilities in the occupied Palestinian territories.' This was in response to an Israeli attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus on April 2 that killed several Iranian personnel.

Raisi praised the 'courageous and valiant guys' of the IRGC for the operation, stating it delivered a 'lesson to the Zionist enemy' and fulfilled the 'sincere promise' of Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, to punish the aggressor.

The Iranian president accused Israel of being an 'occupying, terrorist, and racist entity' that has waged a 'genocide campaign' against Palestinians with the 'complicit support' of the United States and some Western countries.”

He said Israel's actions pose an 'immediate and persistent threat to regional peace and security.”

Raisi reiterated Iran's commitment to defending its 'integrity, sovereignty, and national interests,' stating that Iran will not 'spare any effort to maintain stability and security in the region.'

He warned Israel's supporters to 'refrain from blind support' for the Jewish state.

The latest escalation comes amid rising tensions between Iran and Israel, which has carried out numerous strikes on Iranian and Iran-linked targets in Syria in recent years.