7-Year-Old Girl Severely Injured During Iran's Drone Strike, the First Reported Injury After Attack

Ronaldo Schemidt / AFP via Getty Images

A 7-year-old Arab girl clung to life Sunday as the most serious casualty of Iran’s barrage of drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles against Israel.

The website Haaretz identified the victim as Amina al-Hassouni from the unrecognized Bedouin village of al-Fur'ah,

She underwent surgery for a severe head wound at Soroka Medical Center in Beersheba, according to the Times of Israel.

Dr. Dan Schwartzfox, deputy director of the hospital, said Sunday morning that the girl’s life remains at risk while she is housed in the intensive care unit, according to the Jerusalem Post.

The first and only casualty thus far of the Iranian attack against Israel is a Muslim Arab girl from a Bedouin family in southern Israel who was badly wounded by shrapnel. An apt metaphor for the hatred of Israel: all it does is hurt the most vulnerable, and not necessarily Jews.

— Joel Pollak (@joelpollak) April 14, 2024

Shrapnel from an intercepted ballistic missile fell on the unofficial Bedouin village where her family lives. The settlement is located near Arad in the Negev region of southern Israel.

“It fell on us into the house at around 2 in the morning. She was sleeping in the house and we immediately took her to Soroka hospital,” Mohammed, the girl’s father, said.

Jihad, her brother, said the family’s tin shack home was hit at 1:55 a.m. Sunday, according to Haaretz.

He said a weak siren sound was heard, as were explosions. The family then went outside because the Bedouin town has no shelters.

"The whole family went out into the open to try to protect themselves," Jihad said. "

“Amina went outside with the rest of the family, and as she returned to the house she was hit by shrapnel and collapsed,” he said.

#Arab|s continue to be #Iran's favorite targets, even in #Israel.

"Amina al-Hassouni suffered severe head injuries. Her brother said they woke up to the sound of explosions and rushed outside as they have no protected shelters in the village."https://t.co/JMnd2i1LN3

— Naveed Ahmad (@naveed360) April 14, 2024

The second-grader was not responsive after she was hit, he said.

The Magen David Adom emergency response service said eight other people were brought into the hospital for the treatment of what were called minor injuries including hits from shrapnel, according to the Times of Israel.

Despite Israel’s phenomenal missile defenses, a few ballistic missiles hit Israeli territory last night.

Imagine one was armed with a nuclear warhead.

Iran’s nuclear program is no joke. It must be stopped.

— Eylon Levy (@EylonALevy) April 14, 2024

The ambulance service said it treated 31 people across Israel for injuries sustained while seeking shelter or for anxiety symptoms from the barrage.

Israel Defense Forces spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said 99 percent of the weapons launched at Israel from Iran were intercepted, which included 170 drones, 30 cruise missiles, and 120 ballistic missiles.