Sen. Marco Rubio Accuses Joe Biden of Leaking Call with Netanyahu to Appease Activists


Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has accused President Joe Biden of leaking details of his call with Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, to appease “so-called peace activists” who Rubio claims are actually “anti-Semites, anti-Israel” and “pro-terrorist," has learned.

Marco Rubio accuses Joe Biden leaked his call with Netanyahu.mega

The accusations stem from Biden's recent congratulatory call to Netanyahu.

According to CNN's Clarissa Ward, during the call, Biden commended Netanyahu after the Iron Dome successfully intercepted a reported 99% of Iran’s drone and missile strikes. Additionally, Biden urged Israel to exercise restraint and "not to escalate further."

Biden told Netanyahu stop 'escalating' tensions in the middle east.mega

Rubio, in an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, expressed his support for protecting U.S. troops in the region but emphasized that Israel had not requested U.S. military action against Iran on its behalf.

Rubio stated, “They’re not asking for it. But I think we go from that to the other extreme, which is Joe Biden telling Netanyahu, ‘Take the wind, don’t do anything,’ and then his people leaking it to the media, leaking it to the press!”

Israel's iron dome stopped 99% of all missiles from Iran.mega

Rubio continued by questioning the motives behind the leak, suggesting that it was a deliberate move to create a narrative where the White House could distance itself from any potential Israeli military response.

He insinuated that the leak was aimed at appeasing groups he referred to as “peace activists,” whom he strongly criticized for their support of recent military actions against Israel.

Rubio told Tapper, “What it sets up is, they know that Israel’s going to respond. They know this for a fact. So, why would the White House leak it? There’s only one reason they leaked that. And that is that so when Israel does respond, the White House can say, ‘We told them not to do it,’ and at least somehow, in some way, appease these so-called peace activists."

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Highlighting his disapproval of the so-called “peace activists,” Rubio emphasized that individuals cheering military attacks against other countries should not be labeled as such.

He stated, “People that are out there cheering military attacks of this scale and scope are not peace activists. These are anti-semites, anti-Israel, pro-terrorist elements out there."

Rubio concluded by asserting the need to cease referring to such individuals as peace activists and indicated that the leak of the call details was part of the White House's attempt to cater to these groups.