John Kennedy Tells Biden to 'Go to Amazon and Buy a Spine' on Israel-Iran Conflict

Anna Moneymaker / Getty Images; Fox News / video screen shot

Sen. John Kennedy has the kind of barbed wit that makes its point -- and sinks deep.

He's used it to roast Biden administration flunkies appearing on Capitol Hill, he's used it to skewer "woke" witnesses who want to push the liberal agenda with the power of their own inexhaustible ignorance.

And on Sunday morning, after Iran's attack on Israel pushed the Middle East closer to a regional war, he aimed it squarely at President Joe Biden.

Responding to a question about how he expects the House and Senate to react to the situation ignited by Iran, he said he expects the House to take up bills on supporting Israel against Iran and its Hamas proxies, supporting Ukraine against its Russian invaders, and supporting Taiwan against the predatory Chinese communist government that covets the island nation.

Of the three, the issue likely to run into the strongest opposition in the Senate is going to be Israel, because, he said, "it is clear that President Biden is being influenced by the Hamas wing of the Democratic Party."

Host Shannon Bream then asked Kennedy about a column published by The Boston Globe on Thursday by Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in which the independent -- a Jew who lived on an Israeli kibbutz in his 20s -- advocated ending all aid to Israel if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues the war against Hamas.

In his response, Kennedy ignored Sanders, and focused entirely on Biden's weakness in his support for Israel.

Check it out here:

That weakness -- caused by Biden's fears of losing Michigan and potentially other states with militant pro-Palestinian populations -- no doubt was an impetus for Iran's unprecedented missile and drone attack on Israel.

"In the past 60 days, we have seen President Biden go wobbly in his support of Israel," Kennedy said.

"Today, the White House has already leaked to the press, early this morning, that they're not going to participate in the Israeli response to what Iran just did," he said.

"Let me say it again. More sheep is not going to solve the wolf problem. My advice to the president today, for what it's worth: Mr. President, don't. Stop it. Support Israel.

"With respect, go to Amazon and buy a spine online."

That's advice Biden could sorely use, but he isn't going to follow it.

The Democratic president is already despised by half of the country that supports former President Donald Trump (a staunch supporter of Israel).

He's got a restless, left-wing base that openly supports a murderous terrorist group and despises one of the United States staunchest allies, and he has an election coming up in November that he doesn't deserve to win.

He's the president whose weakness and ideologically driven stupidity were on full display during the disgraceful retreat from Afghanistan in 2021. He's the president who essentially invited Russian President Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine.

He's the president whose disastrous open border policy to the south is driven by his fear of the left, whose vote-buying economic policies have pushed the country into ruinous inflation.

He's the president who's kowtowed to and appeased the Islamic Republic of Iran, a sworn enemy of the United States, and the nation Kennedy cited as the real cause of the problems, long before Tehran launched Saturday's missile and drone strikes.

"We need to stand with Israel," Kennedy said. "It's very clear.

"We're not at war with Hamas ... Hezbollah or Yemen. Those are all surrogates for Iran. They're prostitutes. The pimp is Iran."

Kennedy might speak with a disarming drawl, but made his point. The American people need to let it sink in.

That past three years have proven -- so plainly even a liberal should be able to see it -- that Biden's weakness has made the country less safe, and the world more dangerous.

And since the president can't go online to buy a new spine, Americans really have no choice in November: To get a new president.