‘All day long': Liverpool told 20-year-old with 'charisma' would be better signing for them than Kylian Mbappe

For many years, Liverpool fans dreamt of Kylian Mbappe, one day, donning their club colours.

The PSG forward is probably the best player in the world and he needs a bigger footballing stage to make that more concrete.

A place like Liverpool would have been ideal, there were rumours, and Kylian Mbappe even spoke about it, but now it’s pretty clear it will never happen.

Under Jurgen Klopp’s stewardship, whilst money has been spent by FSG, it hasn’t been splashed or the boat pushed out like their rivals.

Perhaps, if that did happen, then the German would have won more trophies because he would have been able to sign more dominant players.

Another name that once did the rounds in the Liverpool transfer rumour mill was a certain Jude Bellingham.

The England midfielder will probably end up playing alongside Mbappe in Spain, if the well-documented rumours are true, but of course, he was once heavily linked with a transfer to Anfield also.

Don Hutchison was asked, if money was no object, which player other than Mbappe and Erling Haaland would he sign for Liverpool.

The former midfielder didn’t hesitate to put down the name of Madrid’s new superstar, Bellingham, as he told ESPN.

Hutchison rightly stated that it would be the 20-year-old ‘all day long’, as he lauded his ‘charisma’ and ability to ‘run all day long’.

Jude Bellingham at Liverpool

“Jude Bellingham, all day long,” said Hutchison about who he would sign for Liverpool if money was no object instead of Haaland or Mbappe.

“He’s got charisma. He can run all day. Pass all day. Score all day. He ticks every single box. Jude Bellingham, by a mile.”

Photo by David Ramos/Getty Images

Liverpool’s summer transfer window

This is going to be huge for the team and one of the biggest in a long, long time, especially with the new manager coming in.

You feel that Klopp’s replacement needs to be announced, as soon as possible, because Liverpool have to plan ahead.

What makes things difficult for the powers that be is that, who else will follow Klopp out of the door?

Talk of Mohamed Salah heading to Saudi Arabia just won’t go away and if he does leave, then that’s another important figure the club will struggle to replace.