FBI Opens Criminal Investigation Into Baltimore Bridge Collapse, Boards Ship

Tasos Katopodis / Getty Images

The FBI boarded the container ship Dali on Monday morning as part of a criminal investigation into the events that led to the vessel striking the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, destroying the structure.

The ship has remained in Baltimore harbor since the March 26 incident in which the Dali lost power and drifted into a bridge support.

The ship had a fire onboard at the time, with black smoke seen in videos of the incident.

The bridge collapsed upon impact, which has led to the closure of the Port of Baltimore.

One aspect of the investigation will examine whether, at the time the ship left the port of Baltimore, crew members knew that it was sailing with serious systems problems, according to The Washington Post, which cited as sources it identified only as “two U.S. officials familiar with the matter.”

The FBI probewill examine what took place before the incident, the Post reported.

BREAKING: The FBI opens a criminal investigation into the container ship that slammed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge and caused it to collapse in Baltimore last month, senior law enforcement officials say. https://t.co/R2lAMoXxXX

— NBC News (@NBCNews) April 15, 2024

The ship was boarded Monday at about 6:30 a.m.

The FBI later confirmed in a statement that FBI agents had boarded the vessel.

“The FBI is present aboard the cargo ship Dali conducting court authorized law enforcement activity,” the agency said in a statement Monday morning, according to The Hill.

The FBI offered no further comment.

Erek Barron, the U.S. attorney for Maryland, was similarly tight-lipped.

“My office generally will not confirm the existence of or otherwise comment about investigations," Barron said in a statement, according to The Baltimore Sun.

“However, the public should know, whether it’s gun violence, civil rights abuse, financial fraud, or any other threat to public safety or property, we will seek accountability for anyone who may be responsible."

The FBI probe will operate independently from an ongoing National Transportation Safety Board investigation that will focus on what failed and address safety-related issues.

The FBI will be assisted by the Coast Guard in determining whether a pre-existing issue that delayed the ship’s departure was linked to the incident, according to CNN.

Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott on Monday announced that the city will partner with two law firms to “launch legal action to hold the wrongdoers responsible” and “mitigate harm to city residents,” according to WTOP-TV.