Rangers manager accused of “babbling” in comments which could come back to haunt him

Philippe Clement claimed Rangers were the “moral winners” over Celtic last weekend.

But how the Rangers manager could do with an actual win folowing the devastation of defeat away to Ross County.

Philippe Clement, speaking after his side lost a goal within 24 seconds and were 2-0 down by half-time, claimed the comeback at Ibrox was worthy of such an accolade.

Rangers, coming from 2-0 and then 3-2 down to rescue a 3-3 draw, were apparently to come out of last weekend happier than Celtic as a result of the spirited comeback.

At least that’s what we think Philippe Clement meant.

But now the Rangers boss has been subject to some quite scathing criticism from veteran pundit Hugh Keevins, who reckons the comments wouldn’t be out of place on Clyde Superscoreboard.

Philippe Clement “moral winners” comments

Following the 3-2 defeat to Ross County, Rangers are on their most disastrous run since the Belgian manager took over.

Including the Europa League matches against Benfica, Rangers have now won only two games from their last seven matches.

On Scottish Premiership duties, it’s one win in four.

The situation has seen Rangers lose their Scottish Premiership advantage to Celtic with the team now likely needing to go to Celtic Park and win to rescue the title.

A moral victory will just not do for Philippe Clement when he heads to Parkhead after the split and here are the specific comments Hugh Keevins would later refer to.

“In the second half we showed our real face, I think,” said Clement, after discussing coming into halftime 0-2 down in the Old Firm to Celtic.

“We showed the real things that I want to see, this never stopping team that has a lot of resilience, that has a lot of hunger, desire, to change the result.

“To do the right things, to create chances, not to give away chances and then it became, for you guys, a crazy scenario. For us the scenario that I wanted. Not with the 2-2 and then with the 2-3 of course, but we clearly deserve at least a point today with what we’ve shown.

“I think at the end (we’re) the moral winners of this afternoon. Because a few months ago for sure not this team could’ve reacted after 0-2 in an Old Firm and I don’t know if many teams of the past could’ve done it.

“So it’s a hard thing in a very important game like this to go 0-2 behind, to also feel the disappointment of your fans when you go in halftime in the dressing room, to turn that around. And because of that I’m really proud of my boys.”

Hugh Keevins takes aim at Rangers manager

Philippe Clement might’ve charmed some frustrated Rangers fans with the “moral winners” line but Hugh Keevins was having none of it.

Speaking before the clash with Ross County, the Daily Record columnist took aim at the comments in a scathing hit piece.

Suggesting that the Belgian keep his nose out of the off-field politics of the Old Firm, Keevins claims Clement mismanaged the situation and even cited the late, great Walter Smith.

“Would Walter Smith, a man we (w/ Kenny Miller) both greatly admired, ever have uttered the words ‘moral victory’?” Keevins wrote.

“At the end of a game that left Gers with one point from a possible nine in derby games for the season? A contest watched by a stadium full of Rangers supporters with no rivals to back the away team? I don’t think so.”

Clement also took aim at pundits like Chis Sutton in post-match comments, claiming some view the game through “coloured glasses”.

This led Keevins to claim Philippe Clement was “babbling” following the draw, with the manager’s comments about Dermot Gallagher also drawing criticism.

“What have we done to him in the space of six months?” Asked Keevins.

“Clement came here as a man of sophistication with multiple title wins in Belgium and a spell at Monaco in France adding to his continental lustre.

Photo by Stu Forster/Getty Images

“Now he’s babbling on about people having different coloured glasses. Or telling us he has it on good authority that Sky Sports’ referee in residence Dermot Gallagher is more of a Celtic supporter than he is a neutral observer.”

Keevins also asked: “Is it only a matter of time before the next caller on the line is Phil from Govan who wants to make a point on radio about the team across the road on the other side of the city?”

It’s not the first time these comments have been flagged either.

The “moral winners” stuff will absolutely come back to haunt Philippe Clement if he can’t salvage Rangers’ title tilt.

We’d do the exact same with the shoe on the other foot.