King's trusted Royal Family members 'setting perfect example' for Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis

King Charles's trusted Royal Family members are "setting a perfect example" for Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis, a royal commentator has claimed.

While Prince George is a future King, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis are informally known as the royal "spares".

The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh are great role models for Charlotte, eight, and Louis, five, according to royal commentator Jennie Bond.

Prince Edward, 60, and Sophie, 59, have established themselves as valuable members of the Royal Family.

Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis

This was demonstrated last week when they performed a momentous event on King Charles's behalf.

Bond claimed the pair “thoroughly deserve the recognition they are now getting”.

She said: "They have always been quietly devoted to their various causes, but their work has been overshadowed by other royals.

"I suppose every cloud has a silver lining… and as the King calls on them to take a more prominent role, Edward and Sophie are showing they are very much up to the task.

Prince Edward and Duchess of Edinburgh

“They are also serving as excellent role models to their great nephews and niece - showing that you can be a ‘spare’ or even a ‘spare to the spare’ and make a real success of working as a valued member of the Royal Family.”

The word "spare" is now synonymous with Prince Harry’s controversial memoir.

It attempts to convey the struggle that younger siblings in the Royal Family experience living in the shadows of the "heir".

Bond continued to tell OK!: “William and Kate must be acutely aware of the problems for a royal spare.

Duchess of Edinburgh, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis


Duchess of Edinburgh and Princess Charlotte

“They have already shown that they have a different and modern attitude to bringing up royal children and I’m sure they will do everything to make Charlotte and Louis feel every bit as special, loved and valued as George.

“I imagine they will encourage Louis to explore life outside the royal fold… it could be the military, but it could also be working in the charity world or whatever he finds appealing after his education is finished. I’m sure they will encourage him to go to University, which they both enjoyed and where, of course, they found love.

“And from there they will want him to find a life that is meaningful to him as well as appropriate for the son of a future King.

"They will try to ensure that he feels he is living a life of value, irrespective of his place in the line of succession and that will probably involve service of some kind as they have emphasised from the start that they want their children to understand that having empathy with others is not only a kindness, but is rewarding as well.”