Germany's avocado imports more than quintuple over past decade

The number of avocados imported into Germany last year amounted to 157,800 tons, marking a quintupling in volume over the past decade, figures released on Tuesday showed.

The value of the imports rose from €68.3 million in 2013 to €484 million ($513 million) in 2023, the Federal Statistical Office said.

Because avocados need a warm climate to grow, they often travel thousands of kilometres before they end up in consumers' shopping baskets in German supermarkets.

The most important country of origin last year was Peru, at 49,200 tons, followed by Colombia at 15,800 tons and Chile at 14,500 tons. This means that half of all the avocados that arrived in Germany came from these South American countries.

Activists point out the impact of the global avocado boom on the environment. These include the clearing of forests to make room for the plantations and the high water consumption.