Polish protesters freeze Ukraine border at three major checkpoints, halting truck traffic

Polish farmers continue to block truck traffic at three checkpoints

Polish protesters did not allow a single truck to pass through these three checkpoints on April 15.

The Polish farmers also did not let a single vehicle through Uhryniv toward Ukraine. Protesters let a very small number of trucks leave Poland through Yahodyn. Over the past day, there were 70 such trucks, despite the fact that this is the largest infrastructure direction for crossing the border by trucks, which is capable of processing about 1,400 trucks in both directions.

As of the morning of April 16, about 600 trucks were queuing at these three blocked crossing points in Poland.

Read also: Six BCPs blocked, thousands of trucks stuck on the Polish border — where the situation is near critical

Cars and buses cross the border freely everywhere, and there are no restrictions on traffic for this category of vehicles on the other side of the border.

There are also queues at the previously unblocked Krakivets and Shehyni checkpoints of 900 and 450 trucks, respectively. However, these areas are experiencing heavy traffic both exiting and entering Ukraine due to the capacity of each checkpoint.

Polish protesters began to restrict traffic on the border with Ukraine on Feb. 20, 2024. Trucks were blocked at the Medyka-Shehyni, Dołhobyczów-Uhryniv, Zosin-Ustyluh, Korczowa-Krakivets, Hrebenne-Rava-Ruska, and Dorohusk-Yahodyn checkpoints.

The farmers put forward many demands, including two main ones: the abolition of duty-free trade with Ukraine and the complete closure of the Ukrainian-Polish border for trucks.

Read also: Blockade of the Polish border: investigation of a farmer with Putin poster launched, Consul General apologizes to Ukraine

The European Parliament Committee supported the extension of duty-free trade for Ukraine on March 7, 2024.

Ukraine announced on the same day that it was ready to restrict trade with the EU, but on its own terms.

Polish protesters went on a nationwide strike on March 20, 2024.

The Poles reportedly changed their decision on the agrarian blockade of Ukraine as of April 4.

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Section: Nation

Author: Богуслав Романенко