Man Pulls Gun on Carjacker, Ends Up Dead After Shots Fail to Subdue Him

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A good Samaritan who tried to stop a carjacking by shooting the suspect is himself dead, becoming a cautionary tale about the critical importance of firearm training.

The chilling incident occurred in March, but a graphic video of the crime went viral this weekend.

According to police, the clip shows Jonathan Lecompte, 38, pointing a gun at Ricky Alex Driggers, 28, after the latter allegedly tried to steal a road crew's truck in front of a McDonald's restaurant in Lumberton, North Carolina, Fox News reported Monday.

“Don’t get in the g****** truck, fool!” Lecompte yelled.

The man ignored his warning, hopping into the pickup and shutting the door.

Lecompte reacted by firing several shots at very close range that all apparently missed the suspect.

The driver then slammed the truck in reverse and backed up at high speed. He then accelerated forward and mowed down Lecompte, who went flying in the air.

Driggers was later arrested after crashing the stolen vehicle on a nearby highway, police said.