Israeli ambassador warns of strike on Iran's military facilities

Israeli ambassador to Germany Ron Prosor at an event to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day at the Israeli embassy in Berlin. Hannes P Albert/dpa

Following the recent Iranian attack on Israel, the Israeli ambassador to Germany, Ron Prosor, announced a counterattack on Iranian military facilities.

Israel would not attack civilian targets, although Tehran's attacks had certainly been aimed at civilian targets, Prosor told German broadcaster Welt TV on Tuesday.

The Israeli response would be "against these military facilities of the mullahs and the ayatollahs," Prosor said, speaking in German.

But he added that Israel would have to react. It is important for the region that this deterrence "is very clear."

While he emphasized Israel's determination to respond, Prosor declined to provide details. "When, where and how – that's something for our war cabinet to decide," he said.

He called on Israel's allies to show understanding for the Israeli position and to impose stricter sanctions on Iran.

While Israel listened to its friends, it had to react to Iran's unprovoked attack with more than 300 missiles aimed at killing Israeli civilians, he said.

Iran fired more than 300 rockets, cruise missiles and drones at Israel at the weekend. Israel and allied defences intercepted almost all of the incoming fire.

Iran said it was in retaliation for a suspected Israeli strike on an Iranian diplomatic compound in Syria that killed two Iranian generals and five officers.