Dem lawmaker uses world map adorned with racist comments to illustrate Trump hatred

Rep. Robert Garcia (D-CA) (Screen cap via CSPAN 3)

Rep. Robert Garcia (D-CA) on Tuesday pulled out a world map as a prop to illustrate the lengthy history of racist comments made by former President Donald Trump.

During a hearing to discuss the 2025 budget request for the Department of Homeland Security, Garcia took apart Trump's recent remarks about wanting to welcome immigrants from "nice" countries like Denmark, Switzerland or Norway, which are overwhelmingly white.

"We know that in 2016, Donald Trump launched his campaign by pointing out that Mexicans are essentially rapists and murderers, we've seen that already," he said.

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"In 2018, he told members of Congress in the Oval Office, when they discussed protecting immigrants from African countries, that he didn't want any migrants from what he called 's--t hole countries,' and that's his quote, not mine."

Garcia contrasted this with how Trump talks about European nations being "nice" and about how Trump once proposed a total ban on travelers from Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States.

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To illustrate this point, an aide for Garcia held up a map that had the words "murderers and rapists" written over Latin America, "s--t hole countries" written over Africa, "banned" written over the Middle East and "nice immigrants" written over Europe.

These quotes are just part of a documented history of racist rhetoric by Trump.

In 2017, Trump said that some of the people who attended the neo-Nazi "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville were "very fine people," and in 2019 he told four Democratic congresswomen of color to "go back" to their home countries, even though all of them are American citizens and three of them were born in the United States.

Trump also rose to prominence in American politics by pushing the racist "birther" conspiracy theory that former President Barack Obama was ineligible to be president based on false claims about him being born in Kenya.

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Dem lawmaker uses world map to illustrate Trump's long history of racism

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