Hundreds of African Immigrants Flock to NY City Hall to Complain That Living Conditions Are 'Not What They Were Expecting'

CBS News / video screen shot

Predictably, affluent liberals who preach open borders while living in gated communities have created a humanitarian crisis.

On Tuesday morning, hundreds of immigrants from Africa and elsewhere descended on New York City Hall to seek redress of grievances, including what they plausibly regarded as unfulfilled pledges pertaining to quality of life.

"They all are saying that this is not what they were expecting," CBS News New York's John Dias said in a live report on the scene of the protest.

Indeed, President Joe Biden's border invasion has inundated major urban centers like New York City with a flood of immigrants.

Now, many of those newcomers have begun to notice that affluent liberals did not actually intend to follow through on everything they promised when they piously proclaimed their status as denizens of a "sanctuary city."

“I’m very upset about it because I was not thinking it would be like this,” one unnamed male immigrant said. "Because of lack of shelter, lack of -- many things are missing -- lack of job."

Who knew that strutting, self-righteous liberals could not magically conjure jobs and shelter for the thousands of immigrants they invited to their city?

"They are young guys. Look at them," another unnamed male said. "They are 19 years, 20 years old, so they are ready to work. But we need to get better conditions for these guys."

According to the New York Post, more than 1,300 immigrants -- many of whom believed they would receive work visas or green cards simply for appearing -- showed up for a 10 a.m. joint hearing conducted by the City Council’s Committee of Immigration and Committee on Hospitals.

That hearing addressed what the Post called "the black experience in the city shelter system."

Liberals, of course, obsess over skin color. So they get confused sometimes.

One CBS News chyron, for instance, referred to "Hundreds of Migrants from African countries." According to Dias, many of those migrants hailed from "countries like Haiti, Guinea, Senegal and others."

For the record, Haiti is located in the Caribbean, not in Africa.

That might seem like an honest mistake, but it perfectly reflected the modern liberal worldview.

Here we have actual human beings -- from Haiti, Africa or wherever -- who say they need work and shelter.

In a caricature of modern liberalism, New York officials responded with a hearing on "the black experience" that allowed them, among other things, to engage in their favorite pastime of public moral preening by accusing other people of racism.

"We must uproot the anti-Blackness that plagues our systems of care -- this work requires dedication, creativity, and a city willing to fund our short, mid, and long term needs," Council Member Alexa Avilés wrote -- yes, she actually wrote that -- on the social media platform X.

Today’s hearing centers the experiences of Black immigrants in NYC and has turned out over 1000 people

We must uproot the anti-Blackness that plagues our systems of care - this work requires dedication, creativity, and a city willing to fund our short, mid, and long term needs

— Alexa Avilés (@CMAlexaAviles) April 16, 2024

In other words, the people who created the immigrant crisis by virtue-signaling about "sanctuary cities" have shown no shame.

And why would they? As your moral superiors, they must continue to remind you that your bigotry, not their mendacity, caused this crisis.