EXPOSED: Todd Chrisley’s Daughter Lindsie and Ex-Boyfriend Accused Each Other of Abuse in Restraining Order Battle


Todd Chrisley’s daughter Lindsie and her ex-boyfriend were involved in an ugly restraining order battle — where he claimed Todd warned him about Lindise’s “unstable behavior” before he checked into prison.

According to court documents obtained by, Lindsie filed for a temporary protective order against her ex-boyfriend Thomas Mollura in August 2023.


Lindsie said the two were not in a relationship at the time of the filing. She said they started dating in February 2022 and broke up in August 2022.

She said they briefly resumed their relationship before breaking up again in October 2022.

In her filing, Lindsie accused Thomas of harassing her via social media, texts, and calls after their split. She said he ignored multiple requests from her and her attorney to cease communication.

Lindsie accused Thomas of showing up to her home uninvited and sending her unsolicited gifts.

She said that Thomas defied agreements between the parties to stop. Lindsie claimed he would show up at her home and ring the doorbell repeatedly.

In addition, she detailed alleged incidents that went down in the summer of 2023. She said Thomas came to her home in the middle of the night and rang her doorbell for 20 minutes.

On another occasion, she said he entered her garage and car without permission and left her jewelry. She claimed he also sent her flowers via Instacart.

Lindsie with her other ex Trent.@lindsiechrisley/instagram

In her petition, Lindsie said in July 2023 she had to call the police after he repeatedly called her over several days: 9 times on 7/14, 9 times on 7/11, 2 times on 7/10, and 3 times on 7/9.

Lindsie said in August 2023 Thomas created multiple photo albums on Facebook that displayed her name. She said the album contained a photo of a pistol.

Lindsie claimed Thomas showed up at her home in December 2022 while she was showering. She said he entered the home and came into the bathroom. The reality star said he left before she called police.

The petition accused Thomas of being abusive following their split. She said he locked her in his bedroom in October 2022 and took her phone to prevent her from calling the police. She said he eventually kicked her out of his home and threw her phone at her.

She said he then threw a glass of scotch at her car. “There is a history of physical abuse by [Thomas]. [Thomas] has disobeyed multiple non-contact agreements between the parties and [Lindsie] fears for her life,” the petition read.

During an alleged October 2022 incident, she claimed while driving Thomas grabbed her hair and "began thrusting" her head into the window. She said he stopped the car and then threw her onto the sidewalk. She claimed that during the incident he put his hands around her "neck and squeezed for minutes." Lindsie claimed she suffered bruising, a nosebleed, and injuries.

Lindsie pleaded for a temporary protective order prohibiting Thomas from coming within 100 yards of her and instructing him to undergo evaluation for drug/alcohol abuse.

The court granted Lindsie a temporary restraining order but set a hearing for August 28, 2023, to determine whether to make the order permanent.

In response, Thomas demanded the temporary restraining order be dismissed and asked that Lindsie be on the hook for his legal fees.


Thomas claimed they had not broken up in August 2022. He said they had been on-again, off-again until July 2023. He claimed they had briefly ended their relationship in October 2022 as a “result of Ms. Chrisley’s aggressive, harassing, and violent behavior toward” him.

Thomas said he went with Lindsie to Florida for her to visit her father in prison in March 2023. He argued this was proof their relationship did not end in 2022 as she claimed.

He claimed “there were several instances involving” Lindsie’s alleged abuse in Tennessee, Georgia, and Florida that were cause for serious concern.

Thomas claimed Lindsie showed up to his unannounced home on August 10, 2022, and struck him and a woman named Julie.

He said in September 2022 while on a trip to Tennessee Lindsie became “highly intoxicated at dinner.” She said on the drive home from dinner she threw a cell phone at his face twice and kicked him in the face while wearing six-inch stilettos several times.

His response read, “Mr. Mollura pulled over and had to physically hold Ms. Chrisley back from attacking him. Ms. Chrisley continued to strike Mr. Mollura in the face by throwing her phone and kicking him in the face from the passenger seat. Mr. Mollura after pulling over several times was able to get them to Ms. Chrisley’s parents’ neighborhood in which she continued to kick and strike him.”


He claimed Todd, “called and warned Mr. Mollura about his daughter’s unstable behavior, and suggested that she was going to attempt to contact Mr. Mollura’s employer, as well as the police, in an attempt to fabricate a story or falsify the events that took place on Friday night.”

Thomas said he filed a police report with his injury photos. He said he decided against filing for a temporary restraining order against Lindsie in “order to prevent further abuse and harassment.”

He accused her of repeatedly “boasting that she has the power and influence, and would use that power and influence to destroy Mr. Mollura.”

Thomas claimed, “Ms. Chrisley has a history of fabricating police reports and scandals in order to generate press and attention to increase her income and media attention for social gain.”


In his petition, he claimed to have learned between May and June, Lindsie was in a relationship with another person. He said she told him she was unsure about what to do and still had feelings for him.

He said her lawyers blindsided him with a legal letter demanding he cease communication with Lindsie — despite chatting days before.

His response read, “Ms. Chrisley has completely falsified her entire Petition for Dating Violence Temporary Protective Order as a means to intimidate and threaten Mr. Mollura.”

A couple of weeks later, Lindsie dismissed the temporary restraining order at a court hearing.

Lindsie and Thomas first sparked dating rumors following her breakup with ex-husband Will Campbell.

In September 2022, Lindsie confirmed the romance with an Instagram post praising Thomas. She said, “He waltzed into my life unexpectedly and swept me off my feet. It has not been perfect as we have gotten to know one another as individuals, as parents of our collective children, as partners within this relationship. I’ve learned that I’m truly not seeking perfection at this stage in my life and who decides what’s perfect anyway?”

In January 2024, Lindsie broke up with her boyfriend Trent after one year of dating. The two started dating in June 2023.

Lindsie Chrisley and ex boyfriend Trent — who she dated after Thomas.@lindsiechrisley/instagram