Lower deck of Deal Pier closed for repairs

Part of a popular town pier has shut temporarily after structural experts abseiled to carry out checks.

The lower deck of Deal Pier will be shut after experts found work was needed on the steps leading to the lower level.

Part of Deal Pier is now temporarily closed

It is not known how long this is for but the main part of the pier remains constantly open.

The decision to close came after experts carrying out a structural survey reported back to Dover District Council.

A statement from the council today (Wednesday) said: “Following initial feedback from the structural survey on Deal Pier, we have taken the precautionary measure of temporarily closing the lower deck.

A worker starts the descent down Deal pier to check for repairs. Picture: Dover District Council
Experts preparing to abseil down Deal Pier for repair checks. Picture: Dover District Council

“The survey has identified that work needs to be done on the steps down to the lower deck, which will remain closed until work is carried out.

The main part of Deal Pier remains open. Works will be carried out as soon as possible, and we apologise for any inconvenience.”

Experts began the survey last week, abseiling down the structure, to work out where repairs were needed.

Initial checks last year revealed rusting legs.

DDC’s cabinet then agreed on a full structural survey and to carry out repairs, setting aside £75,000 for the project.