Offender fined for fly-tip between Hawton and Cotham

The perpetrator of a large fly-tip has been fined, after an appearance at Nottingham Magistrates’ Court.

Newark and Sherwood District Council’s crackdown on environmental crime has seen an offender successfully prosecuted for an unlawful deposit of waste offence on two separate occasions.

It came after serious cases of fly-tipping were found along a road between Hawton and Cotham.

The fly-tip between Hawton and Cotham. Credit: Newark and Sherwood District Council via Facebook

In a post on Facebook the council confirmed that “the offender, Lewis Buck, pleaded guilty at Nottingham Magistrates’ Court to the offence and was ordered to pay a significant fine”.

The council stated: “Fly-tipping is illegal and we will not tolerate this blatant disregard for our district. We will investigate incidents and, where possible, will seek to prosecute those found to be responsible. If a case of fly-tipping is taken to the crown court the fine is unlimited and offenders could face up to five years in prison.

The fly-tip required multiple resources to clear. Credit: Newark and Sherwood District Council via Facebook
The offender was fined for the fly-tip. Credit: Newark and Sherwood District Council via Facebook

“If you see any fly-tipping please report it to us. If you find evidence, please leave it where it is and let us know as soon as possible. You can report it on our website:”

The removal of the large fly tip required two caged vehicles, a road sweeper to clear glass left along the road, a Street Scene supervisor, and officers from the council’s Environmental Enforcement and Waste Management teams — using resources that could be put to better use around the district.