Journalists identify 50,000 Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine

Destroyed Russian military equipment

The actual number of Russian fatalities is almost certainly significantly higher, as the investigation relied on openly available data, such as obituaries in newspapers and on social media. The journalists also tracked the growing number of fresh graves at Russian cemeteries.

According to their data, more than 27,300 Russian soldiers died in the second year of the invasion. The total number of deaths—over 50,000—is eight times higher than the casualties officially reported by Moscow in September 2022.

"In the second 12 months on the battlefield, as Moscow pushed its so-called ‘meat grinder strategy,’ we found that the death toll was nearly 25% higher than in the first year [of the full-scale war]," the report says.

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The journalists reiterated that the actual number of Russian combat losses is much higher. Furthermore, their analysis does not include the casualties sustained by the “militias” of Russian puppet statelets in occupied Donbas.

According to Ukraine’s General Staff, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Russian casualties have reached approximately 456,050 personnel.

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Section: Nation

Author: Eric Malinowski