'Therapy session': James Comer mocked for dealing with 'loss' of impeachment efforts


Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) extended Wednesday a tender hand toward a fellow House representative he feared was suffering after a grievous loss.

That representative was Rep. James Comer (R-OH) — and after a less-than-successful battle of wits against Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) — the loss was the pretense he'll ever impeach President Joe Biden, Moskowitz explained.

"I think it’s important that together as a committee that we begin Chairman Comer’s therapy session," the Democrat said. "Chairman Comer has suffered tremendous loss...that is the loss, obviously, of his impeachment hearing."

Moskowitz was riffing off a spat between Raskin and Comer that saw both men telling the other to seek therapy during a House Oversight Committee hearing on China.

"You need therapy," Raskin told Comer. "You're the one who's involved with the deranged politician, not me, okay?...I've divorced myself from Donald Trump a long time ago."

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In his testy battle, Raskin also threatened him with what one political news hound dubbed "Comer Kryptonite': Moskowitz.

"If Biden took a bribe, why aren’t you impeaching him?" Raskin demanded. I can invite Mr. Moskowitz to come back in. Do you want to move for impeachment today?"

On social media, Moskowitz responded by sharing a "Lord of the Rings" gif in which robed men with lengthy beards declare "the beacons are lit!"

In the House, Moskowitz asked Comer to consider one of the stages of grief: denial.

"The only way we as a committee are going to help Chairman Comer get better is we have to get to the root cause," he said. "I want to talk about denial, the denial that the impeachments aren't over."

Moskowitz was not the only person to watch Raskin and Comer's war of the minds and respond with a joke at Comer's expense.

"Can we please have a moment of silence for the complete loss of Comer's dignity and self-respect?" @kepi1107 replied. "One moment..please."

X user @KingSafdar441 had advice for Comer on how to cope with his loss: "Injecting humor into tense situations can help foster a more productive atmosphere for dialogue and decision-making."

Moskowitz's remarks received criticism from X user Rose Cathy.

"He is making me start feeling sorry for Comer," she wrote on Wednesday. "That's not okay."

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