Man Utd fans have a new deep-found respect for former star, it’s a ‘disgrace’ what he went through

Manchester United fans are all saying the same thing about former Red Devils star – Bastian Schweinsteiger.

The Bayern Munich legend came to Manchester United at a seriously strange time. The Red Devils were still under a really tough transitional period, this time with Louis van Gaal at the helm.

He played a lot to begin with, but then injuries plagued the German’s time around Carrington. But it was the arrival of Jose Mourinho that really signalled his final demise in red.

A new interview has revealed something that went on behind the scenes which has left Manchester United fans shocked and with a newfound level of respect for Bastian.

Photo by Gareth Copley/Getty Images

Bastian Schweinsteiger’s shocking Manchester United admission

Schweinsteiger sat down with Manchester United legend Gary Neville on the Overlap podcast, where he revealed an absolutely brutal story that happened to him in his second season at Old Trafford.

The Champions League winner admitted that John Murtough came to tell him in the summer of 2016 that he was no longer allowed in the dressing room at Carrington after Jose Mourinho took over. He was then forced to train with the academy sides.

It shocked Neville to the core and had a similar effect on Manchester United fans.

Manchester United fans have a newfound respect for Bastian Schweinsteiger

Fans flooded to X where the clip quickly went viral. United fans responded in their masses, all saying the same things about the terrible incident.

One wrote: What an absolute disgrace. Any other player would have gone running to the media and they would absolutely be within their rights to do so, but not him. A model professional, and a thorough gentleman. Still, he loves the club as much as any of us. We’re so very sorry, Basti.

Another adds: That is crazy. any other player would’ve leaked that to the press.

A third put: What a man Schweinsteiger Is. Man kept his cool after being ridiculed by Mourinho and his coaching staff and started training with U16 instead. Sancho would have posted a 10-page statement on social media platforms

Another states: Nahhh I’m disgusted with how Jose & Murtough treated Basti this isn’t right.

A final adds: Was disrespected and treated so badly by the club, kept it away from the media and still loves United so much to date. My respect and love for Basti just went up.

A seriously sad way to treat a legend of the game. Even if he did drop off at Manchester United, this was no way to bow out for Basti.