House Dem files bill to make Marjorie Taylor Greene Putin's 'special envoy' to Congress

WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 16: House Homeland Security Committee member Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) thinks he's found the perfect job for Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA).

Axios reporter Andrew Solender has flagged an amendment that Moskowitz filed that would make Greene the official representative of Russian President Vladimir Putin in the United States.

"Whereas... Greene has repeatedly attempted to block aid to Ukraine, empowering Vladimir Putin's unlawful violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity," the amendment reads. "Whereas... Greene has reposed information from the Strategic Culture Foundation, a Russian based disinformation and propaganda channel... It is the sense of Congress that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-14) should be appointed Vladimir Putin's Special Envoy to the United States Congress."

Moskowitz said on Wednesday night that he would be filing this particular amendment, although it wasn't certain at that point if he was being serious or just making a joke.

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It turns out, however, that he was being serious, although the amendment's passage is far from guaranteed given Republican control of the House of Representatives.

Greene has been waging a scorched-Earth campaign against sending more military aid to Ukraine and has even pushed Kremlin-style propaganda about Ukraine being filled with "Nazis" and about Ukraine waging a "war on Christianity."

Greene's seeming devotion to blocking Ukraine aid has been so strong that one former Republican colleague has even nicknamed her "Moscow Marge."

The Georgia congresswoman, who in the past promoted conspiracy theories about the Rothschild family using space lasers to deliberately start forest fires, has threatened to oust Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) should he put a Ukraine aid bill on the floor.

Although Greene has since disavowed her past support for QAnon, she has nonetheless continued to make widely ridiculed assertions about earthquakes and solar eclipses being messages from God for America to repent.

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