SNP in major climbdown as Scotland ditches key climate target

The Scottish Government has ditched its flagship target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 75 per cent by 2030.

This comes despite the Green Party being in Government in Scotland alongside the SNP.

Mairi McAllan told MSPs in a statement at Holyrood: “In this challenging context of cuts, UK backtracking, we accept the Climate Change Committee’s recent re-articulation that this parliament’s interim 2030 target is out of reach. We must now act to chart a course to 2045 at a pace and scale that is feasible, fair and just.

“With this in mind, I can today confirm that, working with parliament on a timetable, the Scottish Government will bring forward expedited legislation to address matters raised by the Climate Change Committee, and ensure our legislative framework better reflects the reality of long-term climate policymaking.

Mairi McAllan

“The narrowly drawn Bill will retain our legal commitment to 2045 alongside annual reporting on progress, while introducing a target approach based on five-yearly carbon budgets."

McAllan was forced to apologise to Holyrood after elements of her environmental statement were reported ahead of its delivery in the Scottish Parliament.

Media outlets had reported that the Scottish Government would abandon the 2030 target for reducing emissions.

Ahead of her statement this afternoon, Presiding Officer Alison Johnstone spoke in the Holyrood debating chamber to make her displeasure known.

She said Parliament must be informed of such developments first, saying: “I would remind the Government in the strongest terms possible that this Parliament must be given its proper place.”

McAllan took up her suggestion to apologise to the chamber, setting out “my regret and indeed my apology to you and the chamber for the media speculation that has surrounded the content of my statement today”.

She said the Permanent Secretary had been asked to conduct an internal investigation.