Russia denies entry to 235 Australian nationals in response to its sanctions against Ukraine invasion

Moscow [Russia], April 18 (ANI): In response to Australia's sanctions on Russian private individuals and legal entities, Russia's Foreign Ministry decided to indefinitely deny entry to 235 Australian nationals to Moscow.

These Australian nationals are members of Municipal Councils, actively promoting the anti-Russia agenda in their country, in a move to condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

"In response to the politically motivated sanctions imposed on Russian private individuals and legal entities by the Government of Australia as part of the collective West's Russophobic campaign, the decision has been made to indefinitely deny entry to Russia to 235 Australian nationals who are members of municipal councils actively promoting the anti-Russia agenda in their country," the Russia's Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Moreover, these Australian individuals also include former Victorian premier Daniel Andrews and Victorian Opposition leader John Pesutto.

These Australian citizens are now denied entry to the Russian Federation, according to the statement.

It further stated that Canberra does not show any sign of renouncing its anti-Russia position and continue to introduce new sanctions, hence, the ministry will further update the list of Australians accordingly.

"Given that official, Canberra shows no sign of renouncing its anti-Russia position and the continued introduction of new sanctions, we will further update the Russian stop list accordingly," it added.

Several countries issued sanctions Russian individuals and entities and restricted imports and exports from Russia after it launched invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

Australia imposed autonomous sanctions in relation to Russia in response to the Russian threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. They were first imposed in 2014 and extended in 2015, 2022 and 2023, according to the Australian Foreign Ministry.

It further issued a "Do Not Travel" advisory, which is continuing till date. (ANI)