Marjorie Taylor Greene buried for wasting lawmakers' time with 'space laser' proposal

An amendment offered up by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) to add funding for "space laser technology" to be used along the southwest border was hammered by the Washington Post's Philip Bump as another sign the controversial GOP lawmaker is not a serious person deserving of any attention.

Greene's amendment was proposed for a foreign aid package designed to provide supplemental funding for Israel, with Greene proposing, "By the funds made available by this Act, such sums as necessary shall be used for the development of space laser technology on the southwest border."

As Bump pointed out, the proposal carries echoes of her bizarre comments about California wildfires being ignited by "a laser beam or light beam" that mutated into an inaccurate meme that she blamed the non-existent technology on the Jews — the Rothschild family in particular.

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According to Bump, the fact that Greene has protested so vociferously about accusations that she had named them "Jewish space lasers," which she didn't, only to include something so similar in her amendment, is a sign that she has no problem wasting her colleagues' time.

Bump wrote, "We’re assuming that the intent here is to be lighthearted, as well as to bring one more thing back to the border and immigration. (A request for clarification from Greene’s office did not immediately receive a response.) But poking fun at one’s past eccentricities lands a lot better when one is not being problematically eccentric in much the same way."

With Israel and Ukraine both in need of critical aid, the Washington Post correspondent suggested Greene is doing nothing to make people take her seriously.

"It is a feature of American democracy, not a flaw, that anyone can be elected to federal office. You don’t need to be a lawyer; you don’t need to have served at the local or state level first," he wrote.

"But there has historically been an expectation of seriousness, of consideration of other viewpoints if not a willingness to compromise. ... Greene has never approached national politics with seriousness. Instead, she largely views decision-making through the same lens she always has, influenced by fringe theories and with supreme confidence in her own ability to put the pieces together."

"It’s not clear, in fact, if Greene’s amendment is even a joke at all," he concluded.

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