Farmer remanded over attempted murder in Benue

A Makurdi Chief Magistrates’ Court, on Thursday ordered that a farmer, Terkula Chile, 30, be remanded at the correctional centre in the state, for allegedly attempting to kill one Terzungwe Ikyeleve.

Chile, who lives behind RCM Primary School Gwer-East Local Government Area of Benue, was charged with criminal conspiracy, criminal trespass, causing grievous hurt, attempted culpable homicide and criminal intimidation.

However, the Chief Magistrate, Mr Kelvin Mbanongun, did not take the defendant’s plea for want of jurisdiction.

Mbanongun adjourned the matter until June 11, for further mention.

Earlier, the prosecution counsel, Inspector Godwin Ato, had told the court that the case was received at the State CID, Makurdi, on April 2, via a letter dated the same day.

He said the letter stated that on March 25, one Emmanuel Kume, brought his son, Ikyeleve to E Division Police Station, Makurdi, almost dead, his left hand cut off, and a deep cut to his head.

Kume was said to have reported that on the same March 25, the defendant criminally conspired with others, trespassed on his farmland where his son was working, and viciously attacked him without provocation.

The complainant alleged that the defendant had been going about boasting that he only sent a message to the father of the victim.

He claimed that the defendant also threatened to kill him on sight.

Farmer remanded over attempted murder in Benue