College Dilemma? Barron Trump Rumored to Attend NYU Next Year

Barron Trump was rumored to have chosen New York University as his top choice for college next year.MEGA

Barron Trump was recently rumored to have chosen New York University as his top choice for college next year, has learned, creating an awkward dilemma for the former first family amid ex-President Donald Trump’s spate of ongoing legal issues.

According to Daily Beast, sources revealed this week that NYU was at the “top of Barron’s list” as he prepares to graduate from his exclusive and prestigious Oxbridge Academy high school in Palm Beach, Florida next month.

Sources claimed that NYU was at the “top of Barron’s list” as he prepares to graduate from Oxbridge Academy next month.MEGA

But NYU, which is located just three miles away from Trump Tower, is in the same city where ex-President Trump was ordered to pay more than $450 million last month for defrauding the state of New York.

The distinguished university also sits just blocks from where former President Trump is currently on trial for the alleged falsification of New York business records ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

The school is also reportedly home to the John A. Paulson Center – a center that was built using a $100 million gift from billionaire John Paulson.

It should be noted that Paulson was the same billionaire who threw Trump a fundraiser at his Palm Beach home earlier this month – a fundraiser that reportedly raised more than $50 million for the embattled former president’s 2024 presidential campaign.

NYU sits just blocks from where ex-President Trump is currently on trial.MEGA

Daily Beast, which was the first to report on Barron’s alleged decision to attend NYU next year, noted that the college decision would “present a dilemma” for Barron’s mother, former first lady Melania Trump – especially if ex-President Trump is re-elected to the White House in November.

“But if [Barron] does enroll at NYU, and if Trump is elected, that will certainly present a dilemma for mama Melania,” the outlet charged on Wednesday.

“Will she stay in New York to be close to Barron, to whom she is by all accounts devoted,” Daily Beast continued, “or will she decamp to Washington, D.C., to spend the next four years with the man who allegedly cheated on her with a p--- star soon after she gave birth to Barron?”

As previously reported, the news regarding Barron’s purported decision to attend NYU next year also came just days after ex-President Trump claimed that a judge refused to let him attend Barron’s high school graduation on May 17.

“But if [Barron] does enroll at NYU, and if Trump is elected, that will certainly present a dilemma for mama Melania."MEGA

Trump claimed that Judge Juan Merchan, who is overseeing the ex-president’s criminal hush money trial in Manhattan, “prohibited” him from attending his son’s graduation next month.

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"Who will explain for me, to my wonderful son, Barron, who is a GREAT Student at a fantastic School, that his Dad will likely not be allowed to attend his Graduation Ceremony, something that we have been talking about for years, because a seriously Conflicted and Corrupt New York State Judge wants me in Criminal Court on a bogus 'Biden Case' which, according to virtually all Legal Scholars and Pundits, has no merit, and should NEVER have been brought,” ex-President Trump wrote on Truth Social on Monday.

“The Judge, Juan Merchan, is preventing me from proudly attending my son's Graduation,” he added. “Seems very unfair, doesn't it?"

Ex-President Trump claimed that a judge refused to let him attend Barron’s high school graduation on May 17.MEGA

While Judge Merchan clarified that he did not proactively “prevent” Trump from attending Barron’s high school graduation next month, the judge did note that it was too early to decide on the matter.

"It really depends on if we are on time and where we are in the trial,” Judge Merchan said.