Dismissed Juror in Hush Money Case Says Trump Looked 'Bored' And 'Less Orange' in Person

A potential juror in Donald Trump's New York criminal trial spoke out on MSNBC about her experience after being dismissed.YouTube/MSNBC/MEGA

A potential juror in Donald Trump's New York criminal trial spoke out about her experience after being dismissed for admitting she would be unable to remain neutral on the divisive matter, RadarOnline.com can reveal.

MSNBC reporter Yasmin Vossoughian interviewed the woman, identified only as "Kat" Thursday morning, just after Judge Juan Merchan excused her from the courtroom during day four of the hush money trial in Manhattan.

When Vossoughian asked why she was dismissed, Kat responded: "Because I couldn't be impartial."

Kat also revealed she spoke with other potential jurors about the "historic case" and how it "is going to define so many things."

"But at the same time, our job as a juror is to be impartial, to be unbiased," she continued. "So it was weird, the whole atmosphere. Such an important case."

The woman said she first arrived in court for jury duty on Tuesday, but had no idea what case she would be assigned to until she and the others in the potential jury pool "went into the courtroom and we saw Donald Trump."

Jury selection continued on day four of Trump's hush money trial in Manhattan on Thursday. MEGA

"I was shocked," Kat continued, adding, "I couldn't believe it," and that "Everybody was shocked. Everybody was frozen."

The reporter wondered about her "impression" of Trump when she saw him.

"He looked less orange definitely, like more yellow," the interviewee responded with a laugh. She said the former president "doesn't look angry," and that he "looks bored, like he wants this to finish."

"Did he look back at you?" Vossoughian asked.

"Sometimes Trump would turn his head, but that was it. He didn't stand up or anything," Kat answered.

The dismissed juror also explained that she had just become a citizen in of the United States in August, and therefore had never served on a jury or even voted in a presidential election when she was chosen for the high-profile case.

Kat, the dismissed juror, said Trump appeared to be "bored" in court, and joked that he looked "less orange" in person.MEGA

When Vossoughian introduced Kat, she said her guest "runs a VC fund here in Manhattan for folks that are over 60 years of age."

The woman is one of dozens of potential jurors who have been dismissed since jury selection began.

RadarOnline.comreported earlier this week that as the court heard information about possible juror bias, Trump reportedly "smirked" at a man who was being considered for the panel.

Trump's legal team pointed to their discovery of a post in which the man had celebrated a court's decision to strike down a Trump travel ban.

Judge Merchan read the post aloud, noting its impassioned punctuation: "Good news!! Trump lost his court battle on his unlawful travel ban!!!," USA Today reported.

The man also wrote in the post: "Get him out and lock him up."

Trump reportedly "smirked" at one potential juror who was dismissed earlier this week.MEGA

When questioned by the judge, he said he no longer believed that Trump should be imprisoned.

At that point, "Donald Trump craned his neck toward a potential juror and flashed a smirk," USA Today reporter Aysha Bagchi wrote.

Despite his apparent change of heart, the judge dismissed him. Merchan explained that he wouldn't have taken issue with the post if it stopped before the calls for Trump to be locked up.