Hampstead Norreys driver Zak Wiltshire had taken mind-bending drugs cocktail

A MOTORIST was caught behind the wheel after taking a cocktail of ketamine and cocaine.

Zak Wiltshire appeared in the dock at Reading Magistrates’ Court on Thursday, March 21.


The 33-year-old, of The Close, Hampstead Norreys, admitted possessing the Class A-controlled drug cocaine.

He further admitted possessing the Class B-controlled drug ketamine – a dissociative anaesthetic which can cause bizarre hallucinations..

Next, Mr Wiltshire admitted driving a blue Ford Focus after taking more than the specified limit of cocaine and more than the specified limit of ketamine.

Finally, he pleaded guilty to driving without a valid licence.

All the offences were committed in Field Lane, Peasemore, on August 25 last year.

Presiding magistrate Paul Dick ordered pre-sentence reports.

He specified that these should be prepared on an ‘all options’ basis, including custody.

Mr Wiltshire, who was legally represented at the hearing by Gianpaolo Damiani, was meanwhile released on unconditional bail.