Thatcham and Newbury to get another pharmacy

Two new pharmacies are set to open in West Berkshire.

One is at Gaywood Drive shops, in Newbury, the other at the Kingsland Centre, in the Broadway, Thatcham.

Thatcham Broadway

The council's pharmaceutical needs assessment committee says the two sites should be allowed to open.

The Gaywood Drive pharmacy plans to also offer other services such as help with substance misuse, a needle exchange, palliative care and flu vacinations.

Four pharmacies have closed in Newbury and Thatcham since the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment was originally carried out in 2022, including:

* The Lloyds Pharmacy in the Kingsland Centre, Thatcham, which closed in August 2022

Kingsland Centre

* The Lloyds Pharmacy in Sainsbury’s, Hector Way, Newbury, which closed in April 2023

* The Superdrug Pharmacy in Northbrook Street, Newbury, which closed in September 2023

* Boots Pharmacy at Thatcham Medical Centre, which closed in February 2024.

Boots Pharmacy in Thatcham

There are currently two pharmacies in Thatcham and five pharmacies in Newbury.

However, notification was received on April 28 that a recent application for a new pharmacy in Newbury town centre has been approved, subject to any appeal.

Currently, Clay Hill residents have journeys of up to two miles to access pharmacies in Newbury or Thatcham, taking up to 44 minutes on foot, or at least 26 minutes by bus.

The closure of Lloyds Pharmacy, previously in the Kingsland Centre and the Boots Pharmacy at Thatcham Medical Centre leaves just two pharmacies in Thatcham – Halo Pharmacy at Crown Mead and Thatcham Pharmacy at the Burdwood Centre.