GOP candidate 'snitched on himself' by whining about New York Times story on his childhood

MSNBC screengrab.

Republican Senate candidate David McCormick is outraged over an upcoming New York Times article he says contains "frivolous lies" about his childhood.

McCormick, who just last month was ridiculed after bragging that his wife was on the board of Exxon, posted about the journalistic inquiry in a Thursday explainer on social media.

"The New York Times’ [Katie Glueck] is writing a story filled w/ frivolous lies about my childhood. If it weren’t so demeaning to my parents’ lifelong teaching careers & the college town I’m so proud to have been raised in, it might be funny. [New York Times] is lying," he said on Thursday.

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He went on to claim that he "lived on campus at Bloomsburg State College and my parents owned a farm ten minutes down the road. I had summer jobs bailing hay & trimming Christmas trees at nearby farms."

He then revealed what the New York Times was purportedly writing about.

An email from Glueck to someone other than McCormick tells the story.

"He has said repeatedly and strongly implied that he grew up on a family farm, even though he previously acknowledged that he largely grew up in the president's residence at Bloomsburg University, known to many students and other locals as the 'president's mansion,'" she wrote, according to the screenshot McCormick provided. "I'm aware that sometimes he says he grew up 'in town' while his family also had a farm, but there are many instances in which he has not made that distinction, which strikes some in his hometown as disingenuous."

Democratic Senator John Fetterman rejoiced at the prebuttal from the candidate.

"Snitched on himself, love to see it. While we wait for the NYT to confirm what we already know about the 'farmer' from Connecticut," he said before suggesting a contribution to an opponent of McCormick.

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