Prolific Maidstone offender jailed after assaulting Brewer Street Surgery staff and police officers

A violent and prolific offender assaulted medical staff and then threw hot coffee in a police officer’s face.

Darren Turpin punched and shattered the glass screen in the reception of Brewer Street Surgery, in Maidstone, on April 8, causing cuts to an employee’s hand and face.

Darren Turpin has been jailed. Picture: Kent Police

He fled but was tracked down and arrested in the town centre.

While in custody, Turpin threw food and drinks in a cell and consultation area and, the following day, threw a cup of coffee in an officer’s face during an interview.

The 55-year-old, of no fixed address, was charged with assault occasioning actual bodily harm, assault of an emergency worker and four counts of criminal damage.

He appeared before Medway Magistrates’ Court on Thursday, April 11, where he pleaded guilty to all the charges and an additional indictment of breaching a criminal behaviour order.

Turpin was immediately jailed for 42 weeks.

District commander for Maidstone, Chief Inspector Mark McLellan, said: “When Turpin caused a disturbance at a local surgery and assaulted one of the staff, he was subject to a criminal behaviour order requiring him not to use abusive or threatening language or behaviour in a public place.

He appeared at Medway Magistrates’ Court

“It is apparent he clearly has no respect for the law and his behaviour was offensive, intimidating and entirely unacceptable.

“This is a repeat offender with a lengthy history of criminal convictions and whose conduct at the police station was equally disgraceful, assaulting one of my officers in a manner that could easily have resulted in a permanent injury.

“Police officers and those who work in the medical profession should be able to assist the public without suffering abuse or attacks from the likes of Turpin.

“He has now been punished for his actions and Maidstone will certainly be a safer place while he is again behind bars.”