'Tread carefully': MTG warned of evangelical fury over her attacks against their champion

WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 10: U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is risking a growing revolt by a faction of her most ardent supporters who are furious she is trying to take down House Speaker Michael Johnson (R-LA), whom they regard as their Christian champion in Congress, according to a report.

Greene, despite all of her marital difficulties, has long made her Christianity a central part of her appeal to conservatives, but she lacks the longtime ties to the evangelical community that Johnson can brag about and, if push comes to shove, she may find herself on the outside if she succeeds in ousting him from his speakership.

According to a column from MSNBC's Sarah Posner, author of "Unholy: Why White Evangelicals Worship at the Altar of Donald Trump," there is a rising tide of resentment within evangelical circles concerned that Greene is making Johnson's life a living hell — and they are not pleased.

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At the same time as some of her House colleagues are growing weary of her, Posner claimed she has a battle on her hands as she tries to "out-Jesus" the House speaker as he tries to keep the GOP House majority intact.

According to Posner, now would be a good time for Greene and her far-right allies to "tread carefully."

As she notes, Johnson and his Christian allies are taking the fight to Greene and enlisting their supporters to put pressure on her to back off.

In recent comments, Johnson pushed back at Greene without mentioning her name, telling Christian followers, “I try to follow all the biblical admonitions as I do every day. One of them says you ‘bless those who persecute you.’ I’m getting a lot of practice in that right now and that is, ‘A soft word turns away wrath.’”

Penny Nance, president of Concerned Women for America, joined the crusade against the Georgia lawmaker in an op-ed, writing: "Every day, her attacks get more shrill and conspiratorial — she has questioned Johnson’s faith, claimed that he has surrendered to Democrats, and even suggested that he is being blackmailed. Can such dissenters ever be satisfied, or are they more interested in the 15 minutes of fame that comes with bashing their leader?”

You can read more here.

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