Trump's lawyers throw another 'Hail Mary pass' to halt hush money trial due to unfair jury

Four days into the historic trial of Donald Trump's criminal hush money case was enough. So his attorneys are desperately lobbing "Hail Mary" legal filings in an attempt to put the whole thing on ice.

"A fair and impartial jury cannot be selected in New York county as evidenced by the extreme difficulty in procuring a venire resulting from the the significant bias against president trump that permeates the jury pool," reads a motion put forward to the New York Court of Appeals on Friday night by former President Donald Trump's legal team.

Reporter Joey Pagliery first flagged the emergency brake efforts of Trump to scuttle the trial as it's already begun.

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"Donald Trump's layers just want stop throwing Hail Mary passes," he posted in a tweet Friday. "They just asked New York State's appellate court in Manhattan to halt the trial, citing an unfair jury selection of biased jurors."

Twelve New Yorkers and six alternates were impaneled to serve out the trial of the former president after hundreds were assembled and vetted; some picked and later excused.

Opening statements are expected to begin Monday barring any kind of major unforeseen event.

“This is really a concerted witch hunt, very simple,” Trump repeated to reporters in the corridor of the criminal courthouse at 100 Centre Street in Lower Manhattan.

The presumptive Republican nominee has been blaming every judge and prosecutor in his civil and now criminal trials.

He has been protesting how being forced to sit in the proceedings has taken him away from stumping on the campaign trail.

Trump continued: “What’s happening here with the judicial system is an outrage. This is the only way they think they can win but it’s not going to work."

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