Optical illusion is 'so accurate' at revealing if you are worried or carefree about future

By Ariane Sohrabi-Shiraz

Optical illusions have a way of revealing things about ourselves we didn't know.

Think you're pretty carefree? Or do you go through life worrying about every little thing? This optical illusion is apparently 'amazing' at showing what your true feelings are about the future.

Optical illusions aren't just a trick of the eye - they depend on how the brain interprets visual information - and this can differ depending on the person. What one person sees in an optical illusion might not be what someone else sees.

Your brain doesn't just receive information - it creates a perception of the world \- meaning you fill in the grabs. This can even cause you to create images in your mind that aren't even there.

So take this optical illusion, which was recently shared by Mia Yilin, a puzzle content creator. She claimed the leafy green brain teaser can "say a lot about your personality". It's claimed it can reveal how ambitious you are, whether you're carefree or whether you go around worrying about the future - depending on whether you see the plants and forest, or a woman first.

In the comment section of her video, viewers were amazed by how accurate the results were. One person wrote: "Thank you my Mia, I saw the woman first and indeed you're right," while another commented: "It's weird but amazing how correct you always are."

So which did you see first? According to Mia, if you saw the forest first, you are someone who spends a lot of time worrying and stressing about your life.

From the outside, you look confident, because of your ambition and work ethic, but you feel like you're under constant pressure, and find it hard to keep up with your workload. Mia added: "You're also confident and disciplined. Even though you may seem very carefree, you actually feel very anxious and uncertain about the future."

But what about if you saw the woman first? Then you're known for having a very laid-back personality. You are practical, and try to live your best life every day. Mia added: "You're quite content with how things are right now. This doesn't mean that you reject change, but you'd just rather not surround yourself with baseless fantasies."

But it's not all good. Even though you have emotional intelligence, you can be a bit judgemental and self-righteous at times, especially when it comes to other people's choices.

Mia added: "You have an acute sixth sense which makes it extremely difficult to trick you. Even though you don't say anything, you're very sensitive to even the smallest clues and always know what’s going on behind your back."

Which did you see first? Let us know in the comment section below.