US House of Representatives approves aid to Ukraine: What's next

Mike Johnson, Speaker of the US House of Representatives (photo: Getty Images)

The US House of Representatives has approved a bill to fund aid to Ukraine. Now the US Senate has to consider this issue and then sign it by US President Joe Biden.

The bill on aid to Ukraine was supported by the majority of congressmen in the House of Representatives. " 310 congressmen voted in favor and 112 against.

Results of voting on help for Ukraine

What's in the Ukraine bill

The total amount of the bill to help Ukraine, which was initiated by Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson, is $60.84 billion. A third of these funds, namely $23.2 billion, will remain in the United States and will be spent on replenishing American stocks.

Where the rest of the money will be spent:

  • 13.8 billion dollars - for the purchase of advanced weapons systems, defense products and defense services for Ukraine;
  • 11.3 billion dollars for ongoing US military operations in Europe;
  • $26 million for continued oversight and accountability of the assistance provided to Ukraine.

Also, under this bill, Ukraine will receive a loan of $7.85 billion in direct financial assistance to the state budget. The US president will have the right to write off this loan, but only after the US elections scheduled for November 5, 2024.

In addition, the bill obliges the US president to immediately transfer long-range ATACMS missiles to Ukraine. But the president has the right to refuse if this transfer could harm the national security of the United States.

What's next

The bill now goes to the US Senate for consideration. It is expected that senators will take up its consideration in the near future, despite the recess provided for by the Senate schedule.

Once approved by the senators, the bill is to be submitted to US President Joe Biden for his signature. According to the Senate majority leader, Democrat Chuck Schumer, the document will be sent to the president's desk immediately after the vote.

At the same time, the White House has already promised that a new package of US military aid to Ukraine will be disbursed immediately after the bill is finally approved. According to the American Politico, Ukraine may receive artillery and air defense systems, but the final size of the aid package is still unknown.

US aid to Ukraine

The US Congress has been considering the US President's request for additional funding to help Ukraine for almost six months now, as the previously allocated funds have already run out.

The issue of providing aid to Ukraine had been stalled for several months, but Iran's attack on Israel was the impetus for Congress. Read more about the history of the consideration of the issue of aid to Ukraine and the content of the Ukrainian package in RBC-Ukraine's article.