God Help Us: Growing Majority of Catholics Believe Abortion Should be Legal - Poll

Petri Oeschger / Getty Images

The Holy Bible is the revelation of God. Once upon a time, this was a no-brainer to anyone who called themselves Christian or a Catholic.

Times have changed, and, as usual, the Bible saw it coming.

"For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths." (2 Timothy 4: 3-5)

Well, that time has come. Relativism -- the poisoned ideology that teaches there is no absolute truth, only the truths that people make for themselves -- has infected all aspects of society to the point that people, even religious people, have itchy ears and seek teachings that suit their passions. In other words, they have ditched the revelations of God for their own.

Take, for example, the Catholic Church. While the official position of the church is opposed to abortion, more than half of U.S. Catholics say it should be legal, according to the Pew Research Center. This means that more than half of professed Catholics in the U.S. are walking around in a cloud of contradiction, believing two opposing ideas at once -- abortion is murder and abortion is fine.

According to Pew, 39% of U.S. Catholics think abortion should be legal in most cases and 22% say it should be legal in all cases. Only about 40% of Catholics maintain abortion should be "illegal in most (28%) or all (11%) cases." It should come as no surprise that the opinions about abortion aligned to a large extent with their political leanings.