House Passes Hard-Fought $95B Ukraine, Israel Aid Package, Possible TikTok Ban Looms

The House of Representatives approved a $95 billion foreign aid package for Ukraine, Israel and other U.S. allies during a rare Saturday session that threatens the future of embattled Republican Speaker Mike Johnson among some of his GOP colleagues.

The measures also include a plan to force a sale — or a ban — of the popular Chinese-owned social media website TikTok, which American officials have called a threat to national security.

"We did our work here, and I think history will judge it well," Johnson said after the votes, the Associated Press reported.

The package is expected to win passage in the Senate, and President Joe Biden has pledged to sign the measures immediately after that.

"Today, members of both parties in the House voted to advance our national security interests and send a clear message about the power of American leadership on the world stage," Biden said in a statement, CNN reported.

"At this critical inflection point, they came together to answer history's call, passing urgently-needed national security legislation that I have fought for months to secure."

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer reportedly took steps Saturday for that chamber to begin voting on the bills Tuesday afternoon.

The Senate was scheduled to be in recess next week but will convene for the votes, according to CNN.

This is a developing story. Please check back for updates.